Friday, May 25, 2007

Right Arm and Dangerous

Whattup, playas? The Truth truck is right on time today. Y'all playas are all getting two scoops with sprinkles. Cup or cone? It don't matter. In fact, be core, just take the scoops right in your hands.

Check it: I got some pressing mailbag sauce from my boy Paul in Boston, and even though he's probably a Sux fan, we're going to take this bull by the horns and powerslam it through a Truth table.

Dear C-Piddy,

Today on Espn, I heard you were headed for reconstructive elbow surgery and that all that the Yankee's $40 went to was only 5 wins. One reporter went as far as saying that you "would be picking up your check with a ski mask and a gun." Feelings on the subject ?

- Paul, Boston

Right off the bat: no ESPN analyst is core enough to talk shit on this beast. Except for Gammons. One time when I was still in the Boston system, I saw some guy talk shit to Gammons. Gammons reached into the dude's chest, pulled his heart out and held it over his head. Actually, it might be Kano from the original Mortal Kombat that I'm thinking of. Either way, it was fucking core.

Baller, please. A ski mask? I have the most famous right arm in the world; that's what I'd need to be disguising, but that ain't even the point, pimps.

Playa, C. Piddy don't need a gun if he wants to rob a sucka. My guns are attached to my shoulders, and they terrify ballers and jabrones alike. Hell, I can't buy shit in convenience stores anymore. I'll walk up to the register to pay, and the dude running it will be so intimidated by the Man-Hulk-Beast coming at him, he'll just throw all the money from the register at me and say he doesn't want any trouble. All C. Piddy wanted was a Gatorade, playa! I did take his money and used it to buy a fucking boss ass Sega CD at a flea market. Bill Walsh College Football, here C. Piddy comes.


P.S. They should make Gatorade gel that is just pure raw energy. It should come in a 64-ounce steel sphere that you have to open by punching it with the same force as dropping it from a 2,000-foot cliff.


Big Daddy said...

Paul from Boston is jealous and can't handle the truth you've poured into his mind coconut. The Sux would have been lucky to have those boss 5 W's. In fact, I'm not sure how they ever even won a game with out you on the squad.

Any truth to the rumors that Dicegay paid Dr. Jimbo to say you "needed" the Tommy John on you elbow piece? That shitty Japorean pitcher would do that just to make sure you didn't over shadow him this year...what a bitch.

The Le Unit said...

Yo C, what do you think about dog fighting?

Unknown said...

whats up with the team c piddy, we cant do nuttin right at all, get some sauce in torre's eyes and fast

Boston said...

C. Piddy,

What are you thoughts on ARod's day yesterday? Between being seen with his "friend" at the upscale strip club and saying "ha", which is complete shit by the way, I think ARod had quite a day. I would love to hear your thoughts. Oh, and what is the upscale strip club like? I'm sure you've been, being the biggest playa of them all.

P.S. I don't want to say you can't run a tight ship with your Maxim Hometown Hottie, but I'm pretty sure ARod's "friend" was Gia. You better get your bitch in line.

Unknown said...

C. Piddy get your act together and update this blogbeast

Imam Me said...

C Piddy:

What's the deal? Did your iPod run out of batteries again? Update this bitch.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


What up, playa? Did the Tommy John sauce get all over your hands during surgery? I've been dying here waiting on some boss, Pavano brain-syrup to slather all up in my eyes. You better have been busy power-bombing Johan Santana through a park bench and taking your Cy Young sauce back.

P.S. My Sega GameGear is up for grabs and it includes Lion King and Echo the Dolphin. Dicegay offered me Kevin Youkilis for the package. Make your best offer, playa.

Steve said...

is this blog done?

Boston said...

Extreme weak sauce. So many good topics to write about, and nothing. I think we atleast deserve an update of why this stopped.

Unknown said...


Gayvid Ortiz said...


Goddam you are so core, how can you be so core? Man all these chump-sauce monkeys in the media, i can't trust anyone. I'm in DESPERATE need of some truth uppercuts to the face, right from the source, playa. Don't leave me hangin.


PS. Let me get some of those Echo the dolphin tips, playa, this core-ass squid on the first board keeps messin yo boy up, even when i use my mofo Game Genie, son.

Dave said...


ITguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
masd said...
C-Piddy, this merits a response.

Ryan Bevans said...

Respectfully requesting some more truth sauce. I'm fresh out.

mike said...

you suck dude, there are so many things to write about yet noiw it has been a month since the last post

C. Piddy, you suck

American Idle

Dave said...

Piddy disappears from the blogosphere as quickly as he disappeared from the Yankees' rotation. Genius...

Unknown said...

ok, absolute last time i check this crap. whatta a shame too cuz you really had something going with

Hut said...

Dear Andy Bloom,

Please update.


Unknown said...

What an utter disappointment.

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Dick Blowhard said...

Doood I here you r cumming back!!! Fire it up playa!